Publicerad 2011-04-05 19:34:49 i Mat & Dryck,
Konsum delar visst ut gratis barn
Publicerad 2011-03-30 11:56:50 i Mat & Dryck,
Receptet till den goda, sockerfria chokladmoussen som jag skrev om för några dagara sen hittar ni
Själv brukar jag bara använda mig av 70% choklad och ha i en lite lite mer grädde då jag tycker det blir godare. Men smaken är ju som baken, så prova er fram!
Publicerad 2011-03-28 11:36:34 i Mat & Dryck,
Hej alla fina!
Har ni haft en bra helg?
Det har jag! I lördags var jag på tjejmiddag. Det bjöds på god mat och super härligt sällskap! Sen drog vi vidare till Berns. Så himla kul att umgås med massa tjejer, länge sen sist.
Igår var jag på bullkalas och firade fina Xandra som fyllt år. Hon hade bakad en massssaaa kakor och bullar, super gott! Kvällen avslutades med sushi, mmm. ♥
Godaste efterrätten på länge!
Digestive, frukt och bär och en specialar glass som Madde hade gjort.
Publicerad 2011-03-25 22:16:24 i Mat & Dryck,
Ikväll blev det en lugn kväll tillsammans med min familj. Har ätit en god middag och till efterrätt åt vi en super god chokladmousse som jag gjorde! Vad gör ni ikväll? Vad ni än gör så hoppas jag att ni har en underbar kväll!
I morgon vankas det tjejkväll med middag och utgång... myyyyys, me like! :) ♥
Publicerad 2011-03-23 15:08:25 i Mat & Dryck,
Min goda lunch för dryga timmen sen.
Innehöll: Spenat, gurka, tomat, rödbetor, fetaost, rödlök, oliver, vita bönor, avokado och tonfisk toppad med olivolja och pressad citron. Nam Nam
Publicerad 2010-10-02 14:07:03 i Mat & Dryck,
This is how we do the Swedish "Falukorv", translated to
Falun Sausage if my dictionary will decide!
Cut the sausage, stick a lot of cheese and tomato in it. Keep it in the owen until the cheese is melted. Serve with some mashed potatoes........... and ketchup. (Ketchup goes to a lot of thing, but my family and friends would kill me if they heard me telling you this!)
Publicerad 2010-07-02 14:42:04 i Mat & Dryck,
mmm.. give me, give me.
Publicerad 2010-06-22 23:33:37 i Mat & Dryck,
Wohoo, this afternoon I got the mojito of my dreams!! U guys who know me well, know that I loooove mojitos!! And the one I got today was the biggest mojito I've ever had, and one of the best as well. Thanks for making my dream come true! ;)
Publicerad 2010-06-16 12:45:33 i Mat & Dryck,
Hallo sunshines!! How are u doing?
I got back from my powerwalk a while ago. It was so nice! The weather is really nice and so it was lovely to be outside. I feel all good and fresh now :)
Yesterday a friend passed by and we had dinner together at the balcony. Wonderful! Live is just too good sometimes! ♥
Publicerad 2010-06-09 14:44:56 i Mat & Dryck,
It's raining cats and dogs and Barca is totally grey.. But I've had the loooongest, nicest breakfast ever outside at the balcony together with Elina. Lovely!! :) I hope u guys are having a wonderful day even though it's raining! ♥
Publicerad 2010-06-08 21:55:37 i Mat & Dryck,
I'm having a wonderful evening on the balcony together with my roomies! ♥
Publicerad 2010-05-06 17:47:53 i Mat & Dryck,
I decided to try DIAs (a supermarket in Barca) own Cola.. well, I can't say that it tasted horrible.. but I can't say that it was very good either. Before I didn't drink COLA at all.. or not much at least. But for a couple of years ago (3-4?) when COCA COLA ZERO came.. gosh. Since then I'm more or less addicted!!
F.Y.I: They made the zero to attract the guys. Since not many guys are fan of coca cola light they made the zero as the "guy-light-coca-cola". That's also why it's black.. more "guy-colored" (?!) I personally hate the light! Which is ur favorite?
Publicerad 2010-05-04 21:52:20 i Mat & Dryck,
The perfect evening snack! Strawberries and banana.. Mmmmm :)
Publicerad 2010-03-30 23:11:14 i Mat & Dryck,
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I just came back from a pain in the ass power walk! We (me and Karin) wanted to walk like for 1 hr and try a new way. So we started walking.. and we walked, and we walked, and we waaaaalked. Gosh. We seriously walked to nowhere, just uphill, up in the mountains (not really but almost). Interesting - at least we took a new way and saw some new parts of the city. But we walked for more than 1,5 hrs so now I'm seriously dead. Good nite and sweet dreams everyone!! pusspuss
Nothing is better than a lil snack in the evening.
Tonite I felt like eating 'hard boiled' carrots with salt, pepper and some chilli on!
Publicerad 2010-03-29 20:15:20 i Mat & Dryck,
I have chocolate cravings!!!! I don't know what to do.. I've already had some pieces but I wanna have more and more and more................... I'm forcing myself not buying more from the little store next to us and which is open like 24/7. Gosh. I hate this. Any suggestion of how to get this cravings go away (without eating chocolate)??
This is THE best - with a taste of orange
What could be better than these chocolate shoes!
Publicerad 2010-03-18 12:28:24 i Mat & Dryck,
Since it was St. Patrick's day yesterday, most people were in irish pubs watching the game and drinking.. At least they were not down the beach, where we were having our paella. During my years here, I've never seen the beach so empty before! First a was a bit chocked, but then I thought it was pretty cool to be honset.. cool to see that Barca's all corners arent crowded with people 24/7! lol.
I just remembered that I took a pic of the paella last nite.. so here u go!
Publicerad 2010-03-13 14:03:33 i Mat & Dryck,
Hola!! Sun is shining and I'm heading to Tibidabo (a mountain in Barca). U wanna know a secret? I've never been there.. even though I've been living here on and off for 3 years! Bad bad.. I know :S
Anyways, I had a very healthy breakfast this morning.. a bit too healthy because I felt very sick afterwards. My stomach is the worst in this world!
Publicerad 2010-02-28 16:36:52 i Mat & Dryck,
I have a
huuuuge problem: these nuts are driving me crazy!! I wouldn't suggest u to buy them, because u
will be addicted to them.. either u want or not. The nut-mix is soo good! But u can't stop eating them, u just want more n more n moreeee...
Publicerad 2010-02-23 15:48:25 i Mat & Dryck,
Have u guys tried oatmeal porridge? In Sweden we call it "havregrynsgröt". The pronunciation might sound something like "havre greens groet". If u haven't tried it yet, I recommend u to do so! It's healthy, tastes good and the best thing is that u won't feel hungry for hrs.
It's very easy to do.
For 1 person u need:
1 dl. oatmeal
2-2,5 dl. cold water
a "pinch" of salt
I would suggest u to boil it in a pot, but if u're very stressed u can always put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. OBS! Be veeeery careful when u take it out from the microwave, since it can be VERY HOT!! (Trust me!)
When it's boiled, I usually cut a banana in it, sprinkle on some cinnamon and pour some milk/soya milk in it. Some prefer it sweet while some don't, so feel free to invent ur own "havre greens groet"-meal. :)
Bon Appétit!
I know, it looks a bit slimey so don't eat it with ur eyes ;)
This time I ate it with some sugar, cinnamon and soy milk.