

Publicerad 2010-08-07 19:07:49 i Music, Movies and Books,

Gosh. It's really raining cats and dogs today!! What to do, what to do?!
Any suggestions of what to do when it's raining and when you're a bit tired from a late last nite? ;)

BTW.. Here's a good song for you!


Publicerad 2010-08-05 14:20:16 i Pics of Me and Others,

Love Love Love.
The sun is back, check!
Life is wonderful, check!
I love this pic, check!

The Champagne-war that occured in Trosa.. a huge & wet surprise for all of us! ;)


Publicerad 2010-08-04 20:53:23 i Pics of Me and Others,

Hi beautiful friends!! How are you doing?

We went to Trosa (it's like 50-60 min from Stockholm) last weekend to celebrate a friends 25th bday. I can't express with words how much fun we had together, how good food we ate, how good drinks we drank ;).. how wonderful all people were, how cute little baby-Arvid is.. and more and more and more! Thanks a lot for a suuuuper great weekend Niclas!

Here are some of the more calm pics from last weekend ;)


Publicerad 2010-08-02 22:59:10 i A General Mix,

Dear friends, sorry for bad bad updating here!

As u guys might know, I've moved from Barca back to Stockholm.. and since I got here I've been busy, doing stuff every single second! But only fun stuff: been hanging out with my friends, dancing, having dinners, waterskiing, been to Estonia for a short visit, been shopping, been to friends country houses, enjoying my missed friends' company and the lovely Swedish summer.. etc. etc. and etc.

Hope all of u are doing great!! I'll soon show u pics from my weeks back here! ♥

Mojito and Daiquiri's at Friday's in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm


Min profilbild


Jag skriver om saker som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat! Jag läser första året på tränarprogrammet på GIH så mitt liv kretsar extra mycket kring studier och idrott just nu. Har varit aktiv inom skridskor (konståkning, team åkning och hastighetsåkning) i många år och hjälper nu till som tränare inom hastighetsåkning/skridskoteknik. Har ni frågor om kost, hälsa eller idrott, tveka inte att ställa frågan så ska jag se till att svara på den så gott jag kan!

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