
Not in the near future!

Publicerad 2010-09-28 14:52:20 i A General Mix,

Omg, I'm so insanely tired!! I guess I'm not used to be with a 12 year old 24/7. I do love kids!! Babies, especially when you can give them away when they start crying. And 12 year olds when they're screaming at you or are so mad at you because you just said smth so wrong or did smth sooo wrong! ;) No but seriously, after these days I'm very very sure that I won't have babies in the near future! :P

Wonderful day

Publicerad 2010-09-27 14:24:32 i A General Mix,

What a wonderful wonderful day!! Yesterday was a very lazy day... I'll tell you later why! But today is a super day!! Everything has just gone my way... Thanks Nilla at Apple who helped me so that I'll finally get my Iphone 4 case! And thanks Elina for being the best sales coach ever!! :)

Elina, du fina!

It's so you!

Publicerad 2010-09-27 12:02:19 i Music, Movies and Books,

After I'd heard this song a couple of times and really listened to every word, I realized that the lyrics describes a person that I know very very well! I know you have a good heart. I'm sure it's there somewhere... you just have to find it and show it to yourself before you can show it to others. To be honest, I somehow felt a bit relieved when I finally understood what kind of a person you are!



Quality time

Publicerad 2010-09-24 22:18:29 i Pics of Me and Others,

I just wanna wish you guys a wonder evening and weekend! Me and my baby sis are spending some quality time with each other tonite. It's lovely, because it was ages ago we're alone telling each other secrets like only sisters can! ;)

Love you sis (who just sounded like a donkey?!)!

Lazy dog owner - Lazy dog

Publicerad 2010-09-23 09:46:47 i Pics of Me and Others,

In Sweden you say "sådan mor, sådan dotter". Directly translated, it means "such a mother like daughter". Well, I don't know if that makes sense (?!). Anyways... I'm trying to say "such a dog owner, such a dog". I'm not sure if that makes sense either? Well, what I really mean is that Karin and her dog are exactly the same; Two lazy and obstinate (and very sweet) girls! (well, you said the first 2 things Karin... ;) But seriously, carrying around her dog?! The dog is supposed to walk herself! haha... lol. Crazy girl(s)! ♥

Lazy but so cute! (Both of you ;)

Too much...

Publicerad 2010-09-22 11:05:43 i A General Mix,

I soooo badly wish that I could be free today. I wanna be outside, walking in the sun... But nope. I'm stuck inside at work and I've just had 3 huge glasses of coffee as an attempt to wake up, so now I'm more awake than ever! I'm just waiting for my stomach to scream at me now...............


Publicerad 2010-09-22 09:08:28 i A General Mix,

Good morning folks!!

What a lovely morning here in Stockholm... the sun is shining. So finally no rain!! :)
I woke up at 6.50 am when my sister came into my room and said that we really have to wake up now (we were supposed to wake up at 6.30)... Gosh, I was insanely tired! I forced myself out of bed. We had breakfast and then I drow her to school, and now I'm at work. I have loads to do, so I wish you all a wonderful day!

Happy 25th!!

Publicerad 2010-09-21 12:41:46 i A General Mix,

Today is a very special day! My mum and dad are celebrating their 25th (silver) wedding anniversary day! I think it's so cool. Image to be married for 25 years or longer??! WOW WOW WOW! Then you must really love each other! :) 25 years its a looong time... I mean, I haven't even been living for 25 years yet...?!



Publicerad 2010-09-21 10:09:04 i Pics of Me and Others,

Hola! Que tal? Hope u guys are good!

Since my parents are in Spain they've asked me to babysit my baby sister this week... well, she's not a baby anymore, she's actually 12, and she would seriously kill me if I told ppl that she's a baby ;) I'm driving her to school, I cook for her, help her with homeworks... etc. etc. I'm really feeling like an extra mum! At this age kids aren't always in the best mood, but she told me today that she was happy to be home alone with me. Even though I'm not that strict, she still gets her stuff done better now than ever, she told me. So I must do smth right, no??! ;)

Do you think we look a like? My sister doesn't...


Publicerad 2010-09-19 21:35:12 i A General Mix,

It's political election in Sweden today. We can no longer vote, and the votes are being counted now. Gosh, I'm so norvous!! I know who I wanna see as the next Prime Minister, but as we say: let the best man win! ;)

This is how you vote... for you who didn't know :P


Publicerad 2010-09-16 15:56:13 i Music, Movies and Books,

I'm sick and bored to death! But I'm the luckiest person on earth, who has the best people around me! Today I'm especially greatful to have one very very special person in my life. You really made my day by dedicating this song to me!! ♥


Min profilbild


Jag skriver om saker som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat! Jag läser första året på tränarprogrammet på GIH så mitt liv kretsar extra mycket kring studier och idrott just nu. Har varit aktiv inom skridskor (konståkning, team åkning och hastighetsåkning) i många år och hjälper nu till som tränare inom hastighetsåkning/skridskoteknik. Har ni frågor om kost, hälsa eller idrott, tveka inte att ställa frågan så ska jag se till att svara på den så gott jag kan!

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