
'Elle's la speciale'

Publicerad 2010-02-22 23:57:58 i A General Mix,

Me and my roomies opened a bottle of red wine when the bottle opener broke!! Just in action.. bang! So we had to pull the wine cork with a knife into the bottle! Jaja.. the wine was good anyways! I also made "elle's popcorn la speciale".. they can be called the "healthy popcorn" if u prefer, which I do think sounds veeery boring, no?!!
But (there's always a but when it comes to me..) of course I almost forgot the popcorn on the stove since I went to check my Facebook. When I realized I've forgotten them, the kitchen already smelled like shit and was filled with grey smoke! But no worries.. this is totally normal in our apartment :D

Good wine.. but bad bad wine opener!
The popcorn ended up very good and I also had a piece of Swedish chocolate.
The chocolate tasted of "polkatryffel", which should be "Peppermint rock candy"
in English??! (just googled it ;)) mmmmmmm... yummmy!

Now I'm gonna do an attempt and go to bed.. maybe I'll be able to sleep before 6 am this time? Cross ur fingers! I'll let u know how it went tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone! pusspuss


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Jag skriver om saker som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat! Jag läser första året på tränarprogrammet på GIH så mitt liv kretsar extra mycket kring studier och idrott just nu. Har varit aktiv inom skridskor (konståkning, team åkning och hastighetsåkning) i många år och hjälper nu till som tränare inom hastighetsåkning/skridskoteknik. Har ni frågor om kost, hälsa eller idrott, tveka inte att ställa frågan så ska jag se till att svara på den så gott jag kan!



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