
Barca has gone crazy

Publicerad 2010-03-08 22:21:35 i A General Mix,

INSANE!! It's been snowing the whole day.. I had to go to the city centre for a while this evening and the metro was crazy. Soo much people! People had to pass through the spare one by one. There were like no one on the big streets in the city centre.. but the few people who were walking there while it still was snowing, were all holding an umbrella. For me who's from Sweden it's quite funny. We only use umbrellas when it's raining, not when it's snowing. But of course, if I wouldn't be used to this kind of weather I might would have used an umbrella as well! :)
Traffic chaos outside our apartment - 6.30 pm
Chaos at the metro station Diagonal - 7 pm
Not many people on Passeig de Grácia ..
.. but a lonely little snowman - 8 pm


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Jag skriver om saker som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat! Jag läser första året på tränarprogrammet på GIH så mitt liv kretsar extra mycket kring studier och idrott just nu. Har varit aktiv inom skridskor (konståkning, team åkning och hastighetsåkning) i många år och hjälper nu till som tränare inom hastighetsåkning/skridskoteknik. Har ni frågor om kost, hälsa eller idrott, tveka inte att ställa frågan så ska jag se till att svara på den så gott jag kan!



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