
Presents & strawberries

Publicerad 2010-03-20 23:20:45 i Pics of Me and Others,

Karin and I were gone for hours earlier.. we had a long walk in the lovely spring weather, and then we were looking for presents for Malin's little boy, Keanu. His 1st bday is tomorrow, yaaay! He's so cute!! After what felt like hours, we both found a very cute present each for him. I can't tell u what it is here.. but trust me they both are very cute! We got so exhausted trying to find presents, so we had a little snack break. I found strawberries!! Yuuuummm! In Sweden you wouldn't find strawberries at this time the year.. or u might could, but they would def not taste as good as this little berries :)



Now me and my partner in crime are getting ready to conquer Barca tonite..

So watch out ;)



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Jag skriver om saker som ligger mig varmt om hjärtat! Jag läser första året på tränarprogrammet på GIH så mitt liv kretsar extra mycket kring studier och idrott just nu. Har varit aktiv inom skridskor (konståkning, team åkning och hastighetsåkning) i många år och hjälper nu till som tränare inom hastighetsåkning/skridskoteknik. Har ni frågor om kost, hälsa eller idrott, tveka inte att ställa frågan så ska jag se till att svara på den så gott jag kan!



Prenumerera och dela